Embrace your complexity.

Individual | Professionals | Group

Types of Services:

The therapy space can make sense in a variety of ways. Come on your own, bring someone you love or join a group of humxns who are navigating similar issues.


“Space for just me to be.”

I see you. My dear fellow helpers and healers. You do the work…often for others… to make the world a better place. Maybe you’re feeling mentally exhausted, physically unwell and/or stuck in a fucking cycle that has you grappling with your sanity. I get it! I’m with you. Let me provide a space where you can find relief, self-love and acceptance. You are not a robot, you are a complex humxn who deserves to be in touch with your own needs and sense-of-Self so that you can do what you love with compassion rather than resentment. We can share the load together. Are you wanting to evolve + heal from..

  • Burnout to Renewal

  • Anxiety to Spaciousness

  • Parental Rage to Presence

  • Grief + Loss to Peace

  • Who Am I? to Secure

  • My 50 minute session rate is $180*.

    *You can opt for the Sliding Scale Fee Structure to determine your rate based on your household gross income.

    *Household Gross Annual Income includes all earnings (salary, profits, etc) made before reductions or taxes and includes your spouse if you filing jointly.

    Individual - 50 minute

    $0-$50,000: $120
    $50,001-$85,000: $135
    $85,001-$125,000: $150
    $125,001-$150,000: $165
    $150,001-Above: $180

    Therapy is an investment not only of your money, but your time and energy. You can expect that I will suggest attending at least 6-12 sessions.


“Better together.”

Professional consultations are available specifically for helping professionals grappling with challenging client dynamics and recurring patterns. I’m here to support you when you find yourself feeling stuck, burnt out or in need of a fresh perspective. Take this opportunity to hit pause, zoom out and then come back to your work feeling open, present and confident. Consultations are meant to validate and support crucial aspects of therapy such as setting boundaries, understanding your own limits, integrating newfound knowledge and most importantly reconnecting with your own inner wisdom.

You are not alone in this work.

  • Helping Professionals include therapist, coaches, spiritual directors, doctors and more.

    Consultations are not a substitute for personal therapy or supervision.

    Consultations often explore countertransference and the helper’s internal experience.

    Confidentiality is respected in this process.

    Consultations draw upon the lens and frame work of both cognitive and somatic approaches to working with complex trauma and will be used to guide and support the consultation process.

    Cost is $150 per 50 minutes. A sliding scale is available to students, provisionally licensed professionals and non-profit employees. (students: $75, provisionally licensed and non-profit: $125)

    Group consultations are available upon request. Cost and details vary as we tailor to the needs of the group.

    Email me at to set up consultation time.


“I’m not alone.”

You are not alone. I promise. What you are going through right now, though unique to you, is a shared human experience. Your burnout from the seemingly non-stop demands of life. Yeah, I’ve been there. Experiencing rage and acting out as a parent, though you swore you’d be different from your own parents -  me too. Getting together in a group setting is vulnerable - and that’s a good thing. Vulnerability is the glue to connection and healing. I truly believe what hurt us in a relationship can only heal in a relationship. Let’s get together and validate our experience, understand our opportunities of growth and make the changes we hope to be in the world - together. 

  • Helpers

  • Big Feelers

  • Parents

  • Identity

  • Loss

  • Couples

  • Check the event page for more details on rates.

Complex Humxn Therapy Philosophy + Approach


I believe we are all complex humxns. We often struggle, get hurt and hurt others because we are trying to fit in extreme binary constructs of good/bad, right/wrong, powerful/powerless…etc. These extreme binary constructs are foundations to our society and culture. They influence how we relate, how we religion, how we rule and so much more. I believe embracing your sovereign complexity is an act of activism towards these harmful systems and the key to healing.

Often the path to healing is nuanced and messy. My belief is that you are the expert of yourself and your experience and I am the apprentice of theory. Together we weave our knowledge and work towards your intentions and desires. I believe that healing happens in relationships. So I highly value our relationship to each other as well as the relationship you have with yourself.


You can count on me to be a calming presence, direct, curious and occasionally use swear words. The type of therapy I provide is more of a depth therapy - healing the root of our stuckness, rather than strictly talk, tools and tips on how to cope with behaviors and emotions. 

Most of my training is in somatic (body) and cognitive behavioral (mind) therapies. Together we will explore your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and nervous system and how they all relate to your experience as a humxn. 

Nuero Affective Relational Model (NARM) addresses the somatic and cognitive patterns that keep us stuck. NARM holds the belief that our greatest desires are connected to our greatest fears. (I desire relief, but I fear the overwhelm of my own emotions.) – Sometimes why we are stuck is not clear. NARM provides a gentle yet direct approach to building clarity and capacity for forward movement. NARM tethers our intentions in adult consciousness sometimes we might refer to as “reason or logic”, while we explore seemingly overwhelming and uncomfortable things that hold the root of our stuckness and the seeds of our healing. 

Internal Family Systems (IFS) addresses the multiplicity of the human. (A part of me wants to yell and a part of me knows that if I yell, I’ll get in trouble.) This modality is especially helpful in building capacity for the complexity of the human experience and healing patterns of binary thinking (binary: I’m either a good person or a bad person. complexity: I’m a good person and I did something not aligned with my values). This modality invites you to build compassion, trust and acceptance with yourself so that you can have a greater relationship with yourself and the world around you. IFS is a foundational theory behind Dr. Beck from GOOD INSIDE, because it allows us to re-parent ourselves while showing up as the parents we desire to be.

Intimacy From The Inside Out (IFIO) is a model created for couples therapy that was adapted from the IFS model. This modality invites two or more people to understand their relational patterns that keep them stuck in a cycle of hurt and harm and move to an open-hearted connection. From the open-hearted connection we can understand one another more deeply and can extend compassion to heal our hurts. From this place of deeper understanding and compassion our dynamics change and our desire for a healthier relationship can exist